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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2021

4 This model of stairs is quite popular

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 Spiral staircase materials have many types of options such as: Granite spiral stairs create certainty, durability, modern glass stairs or luxurious wooden stairs. Depending on the design of the house, the cost to choose the type of spiral staircase satmythuathoaviet.com/cau-thang-sat suitable for the aesthetic of the house. Note that with stairs of this type, the length of the steps is not less than 80 cm, the height between the steps is from 20 to 40 cm. 1. Modern spiral staircase thang This is definitely the first choice of stairs in today's home design because of its aesthetic and trendy look. Using black metal as the frame: creating durability - combined with wooden stairs to make this design attractive by the combination of modern and ancient, luxurious and timeless. out of fashion now, go with the times. This type of staircase has a great advantage that it can be used in many narrow spaces to large villas. If in a small house, they Visit website maximize their function whe...